Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Our Changing Landscape is an offshoot from another blog, Camera Lucida. At Camera Lucida, I have been documenting social and cultural news and events, emphasizing some of the arts such architecture, film and painting, as well as design, which is my professional background.

Over the few years that I have maintained Camera Lucida, I began to realize that several factors were eroding, if not outright destroying, the culture and society I was writing about. Liberalism is one, multiculturalism (and its twin, immigration) is another, but one final one is Islam.

Islam has a force of its own. It is not a policy or political behavior like liberalism or multiculturalism (and immigration), but something that uses parts of these ideologies and systems to carve out its own place in the society where it is present. It abuses loopholes in the society's laws and rules, takes advantage of multiculturalism, and relentlessly uses immigration to literally orchestrate a take-over of a society.

Many times, this process is so subtle and discreet that it is hardly discernable, unless you’re someone like me who takes the time and interest (thanks to Camera Lucida) to follow changes in society and culture.
Our Changing Landscape covers, amongst many other topics: Muslim TV programs which have adapted Canadian and American stories (such as Little Mosque on the Prairie); Muslim women who are dismantling decades-long Jewish and Catholic family arbitrations for fear of misogynistic Sharia laws; Arabic script which is openly being used in public places; and mosques, which used to be nondescript buildings and which are now being built with full-fledged Islamic architectural design.

Disclosing these stealthy Islamic inroads into our culture and society, and what to do about them, is what Our Changing Landscape is attempting to do.

Kidist Paulos Asrat