Saturday, September 27, 2008

Islam on the Air

Vision TV Islamic programming

Here is an email I sent to Vision TV regarding their Sunday program on the Koran:

From: Kidist Paulos Asrat
Subject: Vistion TV Programming
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 1:41 PM

To whom it may concern,

I am very disappointed in Vision TV's Sunday programming.

Sunday in Canada is a sacred day for Christians. This is the day that many of us attend Church services, and commemorate the rest of the day to the Lord.

It is with great surprise and astonishment that I find that Vision TV has a Muslim program discussing the Koran on Sundays at 11 am. This is the hour around about the time when Christians are involved in our worship. It is both an insult to Christians and to the Canadian culture, which is primarily a Christian one. Putting a program of an alien religion, which in many cases is the antithesis of Christianity, on our holy day is a grave error on your part.

I ask that you remove this programming from your Sunday schedule.


Kidist Paulos Asrat
I had recently written about this. Today, I decided to do something about it.